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Implementing New Zealand Curriculum
Implementing New Zealand Curriculum
Evaluation of Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko, National Digital Readiness programme
Developing a common practice model for literacy & communication and maths: An overview of the literature
New Zealand Curriculum Refresh: Progressions Approach
Enduring competencies for designing science learning pathways
An initial exploration of curriculum levels in Science and Mathematics and Statistics
Curriculum integration: What is happening in New Zealand schools?
Subject choice for the future of work: Insights from research literature
Subject choice for the future of work: Insights from focus groups
Trends in assessment: An overview of themes in the literature
Reviewing the game plan: What can be learnt from the first year of
Digital technologies for learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
Secondary schools in 2015
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research update 2015
“Let’s all hold hands and cross the line together!”: Competition and gifted learners
Curriculum integration in New Zealand secondary schools: Lessons learned from four “early adopter” schools
Investing in the pretend: A drama inquiry process to support learning about the nature of science
Pasifika Transformers—more than meets the eye
Connecting like-minded learners through flexible grouping
Financial literacy of secondary students, and its place within secondary schools
Learning to learn in secondary classrooms
A review of New Zealand’s EOTC policy and curriculum: Changing meanings about safety
Reframing, refocusing, and revitalising: The inclusion of identity in the New Zealand curriculum
Music teachers talking: Views on secondary school curriculum content
Agentic subjectivities and key competencies
Te reo Māori in classrooms: Current policy, future practice
The shortage of students studying languages for NCEA Level 3
What makes it science? Primary teacher practices that support learning about science
Sharpening New Zealand’s future focus: A scenaric stance
Primary and intermediate schools in 2013
Teaching for present and future competency: A productive focus for professional learning
Book review
Policy and practice in New Zealand primary mathematics: Listening to two teachers’ stories about the impact of education policy on their classroom programmes
The tightening noose: Scientific management and early childhood education
Navigating and noticing: Preservice teachers’ journeys in planning mathematics programmes
Relevant, useful, and meaningful learning opportunities in science using Building Science Concepts
Social sciences and the key competencies: A practitioner reflects
Identity struggles: Korean stories on transitioning to secondary school from primary school
The challenges of the diverse media landscape when learning about current events in the social studies classroom
Curriculum shockwaves? Geography, science, and the Canterbury earthquakes
Editorial: Making sense of curriculum
e-in-science: Developing innovation
Implementing values in the New Zealand curriculum: Four years on
Inquiry learning, drama and curriculum integration
Implementing curriculum integration: Three easy lessons from past practice
Service-learning as a responsive and engaging curriculum: A higher education institution’s response to natural disaster
Primary school visual arts education: Teachers’ perspectives
Aligning curriculum and assessment-divergent approaches in the framing of knowledge
NCEA and Curriculum Innovation
New Zealand students' intentions towards participation in the democratic processes: New Zealand results from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
The primary school curriculum: Assimilation, adaptation, transformation
Library of experiences
A junior version of the “whole game” of science
The Pre-School Environment
The technical language children use at home
Blending Te Whāriki and the Ta`iala in early childhood education programmes for bilingual children
Are we there yet? Stagnation in entrepreneurship teaching practice 10 years on
Social sciences in the New Zealand curriculum: Mixed messages
Mathematics and The New Zealand Curriculum in the primary classroom
The recursive elaboration of key competencies as agents of curriculum change
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
The shape of curriculum change
The shape of curriculum change
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report
Historical significance and sites of memory
Key competencies in the New Zealand curriculum: development through consultation
Curriculum integration in the junior secondary school
Looking back, looking forward: three decades of early childhood curriculum development in Aotearoa New Zealand
The draft New Zealand Curriculum
Key competencies: a new way forward or more of the same?
Signalling shifts in meaning: the experience of social studies curriculum design
Caught in between: How the scientific management of education in New Zealand made history history
Communicating, thinking, and tools: Exploring two of the key competencies
Curriculum integration in secondary schools
Engaging curriculum for the middle years
The New Zealand Curriculum and preservice teacher education: Public document, private perceptions
Integrating Number and Algebra in The New Zealand Curriculum: Implications for teaching
The case for empathy in the history classroom
Grammar in the New Zealand English curriculum: Implications for primary school teachers and teacher educators
Visual arts education in New Zealand: Curriculum, promise and challenge
Teacher formative assessment decision making: A consideration of principles and consequences
Students’ experiences of their first two years at Albany Senior High
Learning to be a new school: Building a curriculum for new times
Moving from the One-off: Supporting progression in technology
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Characteristics and achievements
Inquiry-based curriculum integration in the secondary school
Student-centred curriculum integration and The New Zealand Curriculum
Putting the Nature of Science strand into the water cycle
The Powerful Learning Process
Changing the assessment focus in science
Viewing schools as a health and wellbeing system: Does this fit with the revised curriculum?
Themes from the curriculum implementation case studies. Milestone report for November 2008
New Zealand curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report
Making school-driven innovations happen
If "research" is the answer, what was the question?
Assessing key competencies: Why would we? How could we?
Building students' research expertise: history as a case study
School planning and reporting in action: The early years of the new framework
What it looks like when it’s going well …
Working with the New Zealand Curriculum principles