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Customised school or Kāhui Ako support

Gather evidence to develop relevant inquiry

School leaders all over New Zealand are developing school-wide initiatives, but how do they know they are getting involved in the right work?

Developing relevant inquiry for schooling improvement requires quality evidence from multiple sources. Standardised assessments can provide a formative diagnosis for what is and is not working. This is the starting point for a reflective and adaptive way forward.

You could use:

NZCER Education Advisers are accredited facilitators. They offer customised online 'meetings' or face-to-face workshops, to support effective use of the data you gather. This assessment support can be funded through allocated PLD hours.  

"Evaluation is the engine that drives improvement and innovation. Effective evaluation is critical in achieving equity and excellence in student outcomes."  ERO 2016

Face-to-face workshops

Workshop format Cost (+GST)*
Team or staff meeting $560
Half-day workshop $1120
Full-day workshop $1680





Online workshops

Workshop focus Workshop length Cost (+GST)
Assessment tool information 1 hour $195
Assessment tool analysis 1 hour $195
Series—tool information and analysis workshops 2 x 1 hour $390






*Workshop cost includes preparation and delivery. Travel and expenses are additional.

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