Preparing primary and early childhood initial teacher education students to use assessment in teaching |
Journal article |
2014 |
Early childhood initial teacher education students’ learning about assessment |
Journal article |
2014 |
What makes performance tasks motivating: Influences of task characteristics, gender and ethnicity |
Journal article |
2012 |
Preparing assessment-capable teachers: What should preservice teachers know and be able to do? |
Journal article |
2010 |
Commentary: Towards defining, assessing and reporting against national standards for literacy and numeracy in New Zealand |
Journal article |
2009 |
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project |
Research publication |
2007 |
Exercising Teachers’ Choice of NEMP Tasks: Bringing assessment resources into the classroom |
Journal article |
2003 |
NEMP experiences: Teachers talk about lessons learned and changes to their assessment practices |
Journal article |
2001 |
Test Bias? Test Bias? |
Journal article |
1983 |
Combining Scores |
Journal article |
1981 |