Early Childhood Folio cover

Early Childhood Folio vol. 28 no. 2 (2024)

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic rapidly impacted the education sector both in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. Most research has focused on the impacts within the primary, secondary, and tertiary education sectors. This article brings attention to the challenges faced by early learning kaiako while providing learning opportunities during lockdowns. It is hoped that these learnings will assist the sector to be prepared for similar situations in the future.

This article endeavours to inform early childhood education teachers about the issue of poverty. It draws on a body of literature to argue for the critical importance of teachers being reflective and reflexive in relation to children and families who face economic disadvantage. Furthermore, it contends that unless teachers are critically aware they can unwittingly contribute to the issues that are faced by families living in poverty.

Children’s inquiry is an approach where tamariki explore and research their own questions and curiosities over sustained periods of time with the support of their kaiako. This article explores findings from research examining how this approach has been interpreted and enacted by early childhood kaiako in Aotearoa New Zealand. The article examines the state of the early childhood sector, which is currently facing many challenges, and juxtaposes this with narratives from the research that… Read more

Kaiako in Aotearoa New Zealand inquire into innovative practice in meaningful ways. This mixed-methods study explored the use of curriculum innovation and key factors that shape kaiako self-belief, relationships, and teaching contexts. Phase 1 utilised a national quantitative survey of early childhood education (ECE) kaiako from a range of teacher-led ECE settings. Phase 2 employed qualitative case-study methodology in six settings, using interviews and a focus group. The research showed… Read more

This article is one component of a doctoral study that explored six early childhood teachers’ experiences of working with culturally diverse refugee children and their families in an urban district of New Zealand. Specifically, this article focuses on how teachers supported the transition of refugee children from home to centres. Data were gathered using initial semistructured interviews, observations, and stimulated recall interviews. A constant comparative method was utilised to analyse… Read more

This article explores the intricate connections between identity and place in early childhood education with refugee and immigrant children and their families, by focusing on the work of five early childhood settings. The article foregrounds the development of an online resource, that provides illustrative examples from the early childhood settings. Through immersive experiences with the local land, storytelling in home languages, communal food practices, and role-play activities informed by… Read more