Assessment Matters: Submission guidelines

The general editor of Assessment Matters invites interested people to submit articles in the field of assessment in education. The intended readership for these articles is researchers, policy makers, and practitioners.

The journal will normally consist of submitted papers, specially commissioned papers and responses, and an editorial.

Issues covered by the journal include:

  • assessment and its relationship to teaching and learning
  • formative assessment
  • new approaches to assessment, including the use of new technologies
  • assessment of key competencies/essential skills
  • assessment for qualifications
  • practical and vocational assessment
  • assessment in the early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational and tertiary sectors
  • assessment for diversity/special needs
  • comparative papers of educational assessment policies and practices
  • sociocultural contexts of assessment
  • students’ experiences of assessment
  • professional learning and development in assessment
  • quantitative models of assessment.


Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be sent for consideration electronically to the general editor, Helen Dixon at 

Manuscript format

Each manuscript should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words long (including references), with a brief title. An abstract of 100 to 150 words should be provided. Manuscripts should be double spaced, with ample margins. Author names should be given as first name and family name, without titles, and including affiliations and email addresses. Authors should also provide a second copy of the manuscript with all author details removed. Any figures or tables should be supplied separately from the text. There should be an indication of where they would be positioned given in the manuscript.

Correspondence will be sent to the first named author unless otherwise specified. Short biographical notes about each author should be provided, including email address(es) for contact purposes, which will be published at the end of the article. The full postal address of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence and offprints should also be included.

Authors should follow APA 7th edition conventions for general matters of style. If notes are needed, use endnotes. Please supply graphics and photos either as hard copy or as tiffs, eps or jpegs rather than embedded in the article or given in a word-processing document. Referencing should be consistent with APA 6th edition conventions.

Author responsibility and copyright

Authors must accept sole responsibility for the factual accuracy of their papers and for obtaining and supplying written permission to reproduce images or to quote lengthy excerpts from copyrighted sources.

It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright in their papers, including abstracts, to NZCER Press. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the articles, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate.

It is expected that manuscripts that are submitted have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by any other publisher.

Editorial policy

The editor will screen all articles submitted for the journal before seeking at least two independent reviews. From these reviews the editor decides whether to publish the article. Anonymous copies of the referees’ reports will be sent to the authors. If articles are accepted, specific revisions may be requested.