Oloketa Tingting Fo Apem Education Long Solomon Islands: Issues in Solomon Islands Education

Oloketa Tingting Fo Apem Education Long Solomon Islands: Issues in Solomon Islands Education


This book makes available to a wider audience for the first time material based on fieldwork carried out by the Solomon Island researchers in their own country. The findings will have vital relevance to policy makers, teachers and students.

Over the past four years the School of Education, Solomon Islands College of Higher Education and the University of Waikato, have worked together in a partnership focused on enhancing the quality of teacher education and building capability in research.

Each chapter is based on research findings from master’s and doctoral theses completed by the Solomon Islanders through the University of Waikato.

Noeline Alcorn is an Emeritus Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Waikato. She has been involved in the partnership since its inception, mentoring senior staff and encouraging research.


Digital editions

This title is available in e-book and kindle editions from mebooks.co.nz