Statistical investigations | Te tūhuratanga tauanga: Understanding progressions in The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Statistical investigations | Te tūhuratanga tauanga: Understanding progressions in The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa


Ebook editions are available from and

By Pip Arnold

with Tony Trinick and Maxine Pfannkuch

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Statistical Investigations | Te Tūhuratanga Tauanga thread in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) and The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). It collates research and best practice in the area from Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally, and shows the development of statistical concepts that form the foundational building blocks of statistical thinking and reasoning up to Year 11.  

There are many similarities between how TMoA and the NZC approach to Statistical Investigations | Te Tūhuratanga Tauanga but there are also some differences, which can serve to enhance understanding for students working from either curriculum document.  

This book has been written to support teachers understand the progressions from Years 1 through 11. The progressions presented are connected to the phases of learning (taumata ako) of the updated curriculum framework.

The structure of the book follows the statistical enquiry cycle rather than phases of learning. Foundational concepts for each stage of the statistical enquiry cycle are addressed and progressions for key concepts are given across the phases of learning. This is supported by teaching and learning examples. To support the development of the language of tauanga, the indicators and progressions of learning are also in te reo Māori. 

The book is grounded in New Zealand research in statistics education, but international research and literature was sourced to ensure gaps in our research base were filled and the future direction of statistics and data science education was captured.  

See below a selection of blackline masters from the book to download.