Toitū Te Whare

Toitū Te Whare


Finalist, Te Reo Māori /Māori Language, Ngā Kupu Ora Aotearoa Māori Book Awards 2016

ISBN: 978-1-927231-46-3

Ko te kaupapa o te whare tīpuna me te marae, he pupuri i ngā kōrero tuku iho a te iwi mai anō i ngā tīpuna. He wāhi hai wānanga tahi i ngā kaupapa. Ki te kore ō tātau whare tīpuna me o tātau marae ka ngaro atu tētahi wāhi nui tonu o tātau, te iwi Māori. Nō reira, me kaha tonu tātau ki te whakapakari i a tātau anō, kia mōhio pai ai tātau ki ngā tikanga i runga i ō tātau marae hai huarahi whakatairanga i tō tātau reo rangatira. Ki  te mau te reo ki roto i o tātau whare tīpuna, ki te mau hoki ki te marae ka mau ki ngā wāhi katoa. Ko te tino pūtake o tēnei pukapuka a Toitū te Whare he titiro atu ki ngā papareanga o muri mai kia hangaia he pataka kōrero mā rātau, he whakatūtū atu i ngā heru herehere i ngā ihoiho o tuawhakarere hai whakatipu whakaaro mā rātau. 

The meeting house and the marae are sites of ancestral knowledge, insight, and practice. They are places where people may join together in teaching, learning, and inquiry. The contributing authors of this book, Toitū Te Whare, have built a storehouse of thought-provoking explanation, interpretation, and discussion that is a valuable resource for readers who are interested in Māori issues, education, practice, and knowledge.

Taiarahia Black: “Ko taku mahi i ēnei rā he Ahorangi ki Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi ki Whakatāne.  Ko tēnei o aku mahi, he whakatakoto, whakatipu huarahi e mau ai te reo me ngā tikanga.  Ko te papa kōrero ko te whakaora i te reo me ngā tikanga ki ngā mahi whakangungu, akoranga, rangahau kia noho hāngai tonu ngā taupokina taumata reo me ngā tikanga o Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi ki ngā marae kāinga, ki ngā whakatipuranga o roto mai o Mātaatua Waka, me ngā mataawaka huri i te motu.  Arā atu anō hoki te titiro ki te hono atu me ngā taumata mātauranga o ngā iwi taketake, papa tipu whenua o te ao whānui.”

Agnes McFarland: “Senior lecturer, School of Indigenous Graduate Studies, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Previously a lecturer in the Department of Professional Studies in Education within the Faculty of Education, Waikato University, Windermere campus, Tauranga; lecturer at Massey University College of Education from 1995 to 2012; and lecturer at Waikato University from 2013 to 2014. I have a strong background in the teaching, visual arts, performing arts, Māori-language and Māori-medium teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. My research interests are tribal history, customary concepts, Māori performing arts, oral and written narratives and compositions in Māori. Editor of, and contributor to, three te reo Māori collected monographs jointly published by NZARE Māori Caucus & NZCER Press, Kawea te Wairua o te Kupu (2012), Ka Hoki Tāua ki te Whare Huri ai ē! (2014), and Toitū te Whare (2015)."