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Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System - Third Edition (ABAS-3)

0-89 Years
Western Psychological Services
Registration level
Test abbreviation
15-20 Minutes
Work area

A complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span.

Widely used to evaluate people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the ABAS-3 assesses adaptive behaviour in individuals from birth to 89 years of age. This convenient behaviour rating scale measures daily living skills--what people actually do, or can do, without the assistance of others. It is particularly useful in evaluating individuals with  developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders and sensory or physical impairments.

The ABAS-3 can be used to:

  • Assess adaptive behaviour skills
  • Assist in identifying various developmental, learning and behavioural disabilities or disorders
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses for daily functional skills
  • Develop intervention plans and goals
  • Monitor progress over time
  • Facilitate research and programme evaluations

The ABAS-3 includes updated norms and item content as well as simplified administration and interpretation.  It assesses 11 essential skill areas within 3 major adaptive domains: Conceptual, Social and Practical.

Skill areas include:

  • Communication
  • Community Use
  • Functional Academics
  • Health and Safety
  • Home or School Living
  • Leisure
  • Self-care
  • Self-direction
  • Social
  • Work
  • Motor

Comprehensive Kit (Ages 0-89) includes: 5 Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms, 5 Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms, 5 Parent Forms, 5 Teacher Forms, 5 Adult Forms, Manual, Intervention Planner.

Adult Kit (Ages 16-89) includes: 25 Adult Forms, Manual, Intervention Planner.

School Kit (Ages 5-21) includes: 25 Parent Forms, 25 Teacher Forms, Manual, Intervention Planner.

Infant and Preschool Kit (Ages 0-5) includes: 25 Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms, 25 Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms, Manual, Intervention Planner.

SKU Title Price
80113AF ABAS-3 Adult Form (Pk 25) NZ$450.00
80113AK ABAS-3 Adult Kit (Ages 16 to 89) NZ$1,300.00
80113AKS ABAS-3 Adult Kit with Scoring Assistant (Ages 16 to 89) NZ$1,100.00
80113CK ABAS-3 Comprehensive Kit NZ$1,400.00
80113CS ABAS-3 Comprehensive Kit with Scoring Assistant NZ$1,600.00
80113IK ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Kit (Ages 0 to 5) NZ$1,500.00
80113IKS ABAS-3 Infant Kit with Scoring Assistant (Ages 0 to 5) NZ$1,800.00
80113IPF ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Parent/Caregiver Forms (Pk 25) NZ$450.00
80113ITF ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Teacher/Daycare Form (Pk 25) NZ$450.00
80113M ABAS-3 Manual NZ$670.00
80113SCS ABAS-3 School Kit with Scoring Assistant (Ages 5-21) NZ$1,800.00
80113SK ABAS-3 School Kit (Ages 5-21) NZ$1,750.00
80113SPF ABAS-3 School: Parent Form (Pk 25) NZ$520.00
80113STF ABAS-3 School: Teacher Form (Pk 25) NZ$450.00