Tūturu Evaluation Project

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Over 2022-2025 NZCER provided evaluation services to the New Zealand Drug Foundation in relation to the expansion of Tūturu. Tūturu is a health–education partnership that supports secondary schools to develop a proactive and wellbeing-focused approach to student use of alcohol and other drugs (AoD). The initiative is designed as a multilayered whole-school approach.  

Tūturu leads (advisers) from local AoD/youth providers offer support for schools in four communities: Auckland, Waikato, Christchurch, and Dunedin. There are different tiers of support available; partnership schools work more intensively with Tūturu leads, or schools can access Tūturu resources with some provider support or independently.

A second facet of Tūturu is working to support the development of system connections and the shared use of evidence-based practice across health, education, justice, research, and health promotion groups and agencies.  

Evaluation services provided by NZCER included:

  • an evaluation of Tūturu which initially included a formative/process aspect. Over time the evaluation is shifting in focus to explore short-term outcomes  
  • writing rapid literature reviews to support the development of support and resources for schools.
  • an evaluation of the Tūturu pilot over 2017-2019.