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Engaging Young People in Learning: Why Does It Matter and What Can We Do?: Conference Proceedings 2009

Engaging Young People in Learning: Why Does It Matter and What Can We Do?: Conference Proceedings 2009
Joanna Morton (Ed.)

In this book United States researchers contribute their insights to New Zealand thinking on the important topic of student engagement. Professor Jeremy Finn describes what drives student disengagement and the key components to tackling it. Sandra Christenson focuses on Check & Connect, a practical programme targeting the most at-risk students and aimed at reducing school dropout rates. From New Zealand, Russell Bishop explains the Te Kotahitanga effective teaching profile and its implications for Māori achievement, while Charles Darr has the inside story on NZCER’s student engagement survey, Me and My School. If you missed NZCER’s 2009 student engagement conference, this is your chance to explore the research.

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Conference proceedings
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Joanna Morton