Māori parents and education/Ko ngā mātua Māori me te mātauranga

Māori parents and education/Ko ngā mātua Māori me te mātauranga

How well Māori children do at school is strongly linked with how well parents and children relate to school staff.

Māori parents want their children to have a better education than they had, and have a strong wish to be involved in their child's schooling, concludes Māori parents and education.

But Māori parents need more guidance on how best to support their children's education at home, and how to access information or services to help them give that support.

The key factor is school outreach. "When teachers reach out into the community, showing their respect for the relationships and activities which matter for Mäori parents and their children, partnership with parents appears to be more readily achieved."

McKinley interviewed Māori parents and their school-age children, as well as principals and teachers, in three types of education - kura kaupapa, English-medium schools, and bilingual units.

Almost all the Māori parents interviewed had some involvement in their child's school, and most of the schools were actively trying to reach Māori parents. Overall, both parents and children were much more positive about primary than secondary school experiences.

This report provides valuable insights which may contribute to shaping better home-school relationships for Māori parents and children.

See also an abridged version Māori parents and education.