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Nā Te Wāhanga o te Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa tēnei arotakenga mātātuhi i whakaputa, hei tautoko i ngā kura tuatahi o te ara reo Pākehā e rapu huarahi ana ki te whakapakari i ā rātou hōtaka whakaako, i ā rātou hōtaka ako hoki o te reo Māori.

Ka whakamāramahia ki te pūrongo nei, kia whai aronga rautaki ngā kura tuatahi o te ara reo Pākehā mō te whakaako me te ...

Publication year

The national COVID-19 lockdown during school Term 1 and continuing in Term 2 2020,  provided a unique context to investigate children’s experiences of informal, everyday learning in their household bubble. In Terms 3 and 4, 178 children in Years 4–8 from 10 primary schools agreed to participate in a group art-making activity and an individual interview about their experiences.  

This report documents children’s accounts of the multiple ways in which they negotiated the novel experience ...

Publication year

Around 600 schools have used the free, research-based Teaching, School and Leadership Practices (TSP) survey since it was first offered in  2017.  This brief report is based on interviews with 10 principals who’ve used TSP three years in a row. The report shows the principals find it informs their own development and appraisal, identifies priorities for change, allows them to check trends over time, and whether change was happening at a sustainable pace ...

Publication year

NZCER were commissioned by Ministry of Social Development to analyse data from the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort of over 5,000 mothers. We used data from when children were in their final months at an early learning service (ELS), and after their first year at school, to identify variables which were indicative of strong partnerships.

The report gives a national picture of maternal views of some aspects of parent-educator ...

Publication year

Investigating how climate change connects with the places we live, learn, and work can inspire climate solutions based on localised thinking. Connecting culture to place highlights opportunities for culturally-sustaining climate responses. This briefing is part of a series. Other topics include:

Download the briefing from the ...

Publication year

This briefing discusses education's role in supporting and inspiring learners on career pathways to a low-carbon future. This briefing is part of a series. Other topics include:

Download the briefing from the link below. You can find additional reports and articles on our climate project page.

Publication year

School leadership, and school-wide approaches, play a key role in effective climate change response. These ideas will also be useful for early learning centres, tertiary education settings, and community learning spaces. This briefing is part of a series. Other topics include:

Download the ...

Publication year

What can schools do about climate change? This briefing provides some starting point suggestions for schools, based on our research into systemic educational response to climate change. These ideas will also be useful for early learning centres, tertiary education settings, and community learning space. This briefing is part of a series. Other topics include:

Publication year

He rangahau i whakaritea mā Te Mātāwai, e Te Wāhanga - Te Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa, i te tau 2019

I tonoa Te Wāhanga—Te Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa e Te Mātāwai, ki te whakahaere i tētahi arotakenga tuhituhi, hei tautuhi i ngā whakaritenga papai e pā ana ki te whakarauoratanga reo i te taumata tonu o te pū harakeke (arā, o te whānau me ngā hapori), me te whakarato ...