NZCER provides credit account facilities for approved customers, to make purchases during a month, receive an invoice, and to pay by the 20th of the following month.
New Customers
Please fill in the below Application for NZCER credit account, sign and return to NZCER, (contact details are on the form).
You will be advised of account approval or otherwise within 10 business days.
Existing customers - Already have a credit account with NZCER?
Customers who have credit accounts with NZCER need to give us the names of those in their organisation who are authorised to purchase products online and add to account. We need to receive this written authorisation even if you have made online purchases in the past, to ensure your account is fully protected.
Please download and fill out the above application form, sign and return to NZCER, (contact details are on the form). Please note you will need to know your NZCER customer number.
You will be advised of account set up within 5 business days.
Terms and Conditions
Disclosure and consent
I/We authorise the people listed on the credit account application forms to purchase products and services online using the ‘add to account’ facility on the NZCER website.
I/We authorise NZCER to gather information it reasonably regards as necessary for credit enquiry purposes from any appropriate person or company.
I/We authorise any person, or company, to provide NZCER with any reasonable information which is necessary for credit enquiry purposes.
I/We acknowledge that I/we do not have to provide NZCER with any information, but if I/we don't, it may affect their decision to provide credit.
I/We understand that I/we have certain rights under the Privacy Act 1993, to access and correct any information held about me/us.
The minimum amount required for purchase is $10. Payment is due on the 20th of the following month.