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Evaluation of Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko, National Digital Readiness programme
Reconsidering home learning in the digital learning environment: The perspectives of parents, students, and teachers
Assessment for learning: A comparative study of paper-based portfolios and online ePortfolios
Parent, whānau, and teacher engagement through online portfolios in early childhood education
“I want to say…”: Privileging young children’s voices in iPad-supported assessment for learning
Digital technologies and future-oriented science education
Digital technologies, play, and learning
Democracy in early childhood education How information and communication technology contributes to democratic pedagogy and practices
Students’ understanding and searching of the Internet
Using ICT to develop knowledge-building communities in subject English and the arts
Secondary schools in 2012
e-in-science: Scoping the possibilities
Zooming in on Learning in the Digital Age: A Literature Review
The microcomputer in school
Onside with Online
Taking the first byte: Lessons from a classroom-based IT initiative
Computer attitudes, gender, and exploratory behaviour in preschoolers
Using ICT To Document Children’s Learning
ICT in Pre-School Settings: Benign Addition or Playroom Revolution?
The SCIAnTICT project: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of primary science
Using multimodal texts to build engagement and achievement in literacy
An investigation into online moderation
Thinking in hypertext: Interrupting the mindset of schooling
Educating for ethical know-how: Curriculum in a culture of participation and complicity
Spotlight on ICT in early childhood education: An interview with Ann Hatherly
The electric teacher: Philosophical pathways to being an empowered early childhood educator
ICT and the greatest technology: A teacher’s mind
“The silent voice of the camera?" Young children and photography as a tool for listening
Peer Tutoring in Computer Skills
Words and Images in Print and on Screen
Whole learning, with a hypertext computer project to help
Focusing on Technology Education: The effect of concepts on practice
Using CD-ROM story books to encourage reading development
Is there a case for integrated learning systems?
A beginner's guide to the Internet
Learning in the distributed classroom
Computer immersion in a grade 5/6 classroom: Key questions and management issues
Encountering interactive television: A pilot study of the introduction of a new educational technology in Victorian schools
Introducing CLICK!: Computers and Learning in Classrooms: K-6
All keyed up: The use of computers, at home and at school, by children with special needs
Listening to read: Further research on the tape assisted reading programme (TARP)
asTTle: An Early Exploration of New Technology for Teachers
Writing with a word processor
What do pupils think about ICT?
What makes for successful integrated use of ICT in a low-decile primary school?
Integrated use of ICT in primary schools: A case study of a high-decile school
Opportunities and challenges in technology-rich classrooms: Using the Scratch software
Exploring the use of an interactive whiteboard in a primary science classroom
Embracing the power of texting: Eliminating playground noncompliance and aggression
How can schools foster and support e-learning and virtual learning?
ICT in primary science: Insights from the TELA evaluation
Literacy and eLearning: Possibilities for transformation
What's happening with the Assessment Resource Banks?
Virtual classrooms: Lessons for teaching and learning in the 21st century
OPENING UP A NEW WORLD: Reluctant readers' use of The Game and other stories
Students’ experiences of learning in virtual classrooms
Information skills in the New Zealand curriculum: A blueprint for education?
Evaluating technology-rich ICT initiatives in schools: what does the literature tell us?
Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM)
Evaluation of the CAS pilot project
Digital opportunities pilot project (2001-2003): Evaluation of Notebook Valley
Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: What can the Tech Angels project teach us?
Computers in classrooms
ICT in support of science teaching and learning: Teaching landforms and erosion
Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on 'digital' age learners
Deliberate acts of virtual communication: Cellphones as a tool to enhance student learning and engagement
Literacy teaching and learning in e-Learning contexts