Maternal perceptions of aspects of learning partnerships |
Research publication |
2021 |
Fire safety in schools, kura, ECE centres, and kohanga reo: Looking to the future |
Research publication |
2018 |
NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016: Methodology and sample information |
Research publication |
2017 |
Finding a balance—fostering student wellbeing, positive behaviour, and learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016 |
Research publication |
2017 |
My FRIENDS Youth final evaluation report |
Research publication |
2015 |
It's, like, trying to make us better people - My FRIENDS Youth final evaluation report |
Research publication |
2015 |
Patterns of student progress in the Intensive Wraparound Service |
Research publication |
2015 |
The financial capability of secondary students, and the place of financial capability in secondary schools - summary report |
Research publication |
2015 |
Financial literacy of secondary students, and its place within secondary schools |
Research publication |
2014 |
National Standards: What difference are they making? |
Research publication |
2013 |
Sampling Methods for the NZCER Primary National Survey |
Research publication |
2013 |