Sustaining the commitment and realising the potential of highly promising teachers |
Research publication |
2015 |
Career pathways: Does remaining close to the classroom matter for early career teachers? A study of practice in New Zealand and the USA. |
Research publication |
2011 |
Schools as professional learning communities for early career teachers: how do early-career teachers rate them? |
Research publication |
2011 |
Early career teachers' opportunities for professional learning: Impacts on teaching practice, job satisfaction, motivation, and career decisions |
Research publication |
2007 |
Starting out in teaching: Surviving or thriving as a new teacher |
Journal article |
2007 |
Teachers of Promise: Is teaching their first career choice? |
Research publication |
2007 |
Ako*: Being a teacher, being a learner, being part of a learning profession |
Research publication |
2007 |
Teachers of promise: Getting started in teaching |
Research publication |
2006 |
Teachers of promise |
Research publication |
2005 |
Socialisation of teachers into the culture of assessment |
Research publication |
2005 |
Riding the wave: The journeys of two primary schools in supporting beginning teachers' assessment knowledge and practices |
Research publication |
2004 |
Evaluation of First-Time Principals Induction Programme 2003 |
Research publication |
2004 |
Teachers’ talk helps learning: The quality learning circle approach |
Journal article |
2002 |
Leadership for learning: What it means for teachers |
Research publication |