Evaluation Matters—He Take To Te Aromatawai is an online, international, interdisciplinary journal published annually by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER), in conjunction with the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association (ANZEA). Evaluation Matters—He Take To Te Aromatawai:
- provides a forum for articles on evaluation and evaluative thinking, particularly within the context of Aotearoa New Zealand
- engages in international conversations on evaluation
- is published annually
- is fully double-blind peer reviewed.
Editor-in-Chief: Fiona Cram, PhD
email: anzea.evaluationmatters@gmail.com
Subscriptions and purchasing
Evaluation Matters—He Take To Te Aromatawai is an online journal, with print copies of individual issues available to purchase separately (ie there is no print subscription).
All members of the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association have an online subscription to Evaluation Matters—He Take To Te Aromatawai.
We are currently trialling an Open Access model for the journal with the support of ANZEA. At present non-subscribers have full access to journal content.
Print copies of Evaluation Matters—He Take To Te Aromatawai are available individually at a cost of $50 each. These can be purchased online here.
For all subscription inquiries, or to place an order for a print copy, please email subscriptions@nzcer.org.nz or phone +64-4-8021450
ISSN: 2423-0790 (Print)
ISSN: 2423-0804 (Online)