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(Re)defining notions of success, support networks, and aspirations through the eyes of Māori and Pacific communities - COMPASS

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We partnered with Professor Melinda Webber (University of Auckland) to collaborate with her on the analysis of data already collected. Melinda’s research “Kia tū rangatira ai ngā iwi Māori: Living, succeeding, and thriving as iwi Māori” focuses on cultural identity, and how people learn and strive in educational settings from the perspectives of ākonga, kaiako, and whānau. 

COMPASS explores notions of success, support networks, and aspirations for ākonga Māori, as reported by ākonga Māori, whānau  Māori, and  kaiako Māori. This project will also seek to explore the above notions from the perspectives of Pasifika learners and their families. 

We are undertaking quantitative and qualitative analyses of the survey data collected above. We have selected research areas that align with the following NZCER’s strategic priorities:

  • Upholding mana Māori, whakamana Māori  
  • Improving equity for akonga and equity in education
  • Influencing the future of education


(Re)defining notions of success, support networks, and aspirations through the eyes of Māori and Pacific communities - COMPASS project publications: