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Māori and education
Māori and education
Poipoia ngā tamariki—How whānau and teachers support tamariki Māori to be successful in learning and education
Poipoia kia puāwai: How schools support ākonga Māori and Pacific students to attain University Entrance
Hei whakaarotanga: Engaging with models of health and wellbeing that draw on mātauranga Māori
Me aro ki te hā o Hine-ahu-one — Wāhine Māori in leadership
He reo ka tipu i ngā kura: Growing te reo Māori in English-medium schools—Findings report
Conceptualising Māori and Pasifika Aspirations and Striving for Success (COMPASS)
Manaakitia ngā tamariki kia ora ai - Supporting children's wellbeing
He Rau Ora: Good practice in Māori language revitalisation—literature review
He Reo Ora: Māori-language revitalisation activities and resources in homes and communities
Social Workers in Schools (SWiS): Tamariki and whānau experiences of the SWiS programme in kura kaupapa Māori and kura ā-iwi
Te reo o te rangatahi an explorative study of rangatahi exposure to, and use of, te reo Māori
Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey 2018 Report
Tautokona te reo: The wellbeing of te reo Māori in kura and schools
Matawaia Community Report
Tāmaki Makaurau ki te Tonga Community Report
Kaitaia Community Report
Tauranga Moana Community Report
Te Ahu o te Reo Overview Report
English-medium schools engaging whānau: Building relationships, creating spaces
Developing collaborative connections between schools and Māori communities
Improving engagement and achievement for Year 11 Māori and Pasifika students
“Every teacher has to come on board for our Māori students” He wero mō ngā kaiarahi wāhanga ako—the challenge for curriculum leaders
Ngā whakaratonga mō ngā ākonga Māori i roto i ngā kura auraki Providing for Māori students in English-medium schools
E tipu e rea: Messages for early childhood practice
Kia tau te rangimārie: Towards peace-centred, Te Whāriki-based practice
Ka whānau mai te reo: Kia rite!
Te reo Māori in classrooms: Current policy, future practice
He Huarahi Aromatawai— Assessment Journeys
“It means everything doesn’t it?” Interpretations of Māori students achieving and enjoying educational success “as Māori”
Reo and mātauranga Māori revitalisation: Learning visions for the future
Children’s views about geometry tasks in Māori-medium schools: Meeting Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori pāngarau (National Standards in mathematics)
What can Pākehā learn from engaging in kaupapa Māori educational research?
Ka whānau mai te reo: Honouring whānau, upholding reo Māori
Kei Tua o Te Pae Hui proceedings
Aromatawai reo ā-waha: Oral Māori-language assessment tools
Integrating culturally responsive teaching and learning pedagogy in line with Ka Hikitia
Gifted and talented
Mehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka taea e tātou
Culturally responsive leadership: How one principal in an urban primary school responded successfully to Māori student achievement
Identity Matters: Racial-ethnic identity and Māori students
Critical issues for whānau in English-medium schools
Marae ā-kura: Tracing the birth of marae in schools
He Kupu nā ngā Ētita - Editorial
Exploring te ao Māori: The role of museums
The anatomy of a word list
Māori and future food technologies
Te kohanga reo: More than a Language Nest
Implementing a bicultural curriculum: Some Considerations
The Fence or exploring the challenges of sociocultural assessment
Book review; Weaving Te Whāriki
Te tuangi (the clam): A metaphor for teaching, learning and the key competencies
"What can I do about Māori underachievement?" Critical reflections from a non-Māori participant in Te Kotahitanga
Understanding the lines in the sand: Diversity, its discourses and building a responsive education system
The co-opting of hauora into curricula
Culturally responsive pedagogies in the visual and performing arts: Exemplars, missed opportunities and challenges
Issues of culture and assessment in New Zealand education pertaining to Māori students
The development and trial of Māori language tools for assessing oral language from Years 1 to 3
Praising Māori children: getting it right
Educating for ethical know-how: Curriculum in a culture of participation and complicity
The status of Te Ātiawa histories of place in Port Nicholson Block (Wellington, Hutt Valley) secondary schools: Some research findings
Food for thought: Breastfeeding and early childhood education services
Te Kākano (the seed): Growing rich mathematics in ECE settings
Tatari Tautoko Tauawhi: A Maori language reading tutoring programme
Learning Mathematics IN MAORI
Language Revival and Reversal
Māori education in mainstream schools
Promoting Māori language through reading and interactive tasks
Aiming for Student Achievement: How teachers can understand and better meet the needs of Pacific Island and Maori students
A cultural audit for teachers: Looking out for Maori learners with special needs
Kaupapa Maori messages for the mainstream
Listening to culture: Maori principles and practices applied to support classroom management
Difference and desire: Dividing classrooms by ethnicity
Ngā Kete Kōrero: A framework for assigning levels of difficulty to existing and new Māori reading resources
Curriculum Framing
KANOHI KI TE KANOHI: Establishing partnerships between schools and Māori communities
The importance of the teacher/student relationship for Māori and Pasifika students
Māori students in science and mathematics: Junior programmes in secondary schools
Effective bicultural leadership: A way to restore harmony at school and avoid suspension
Realising Māori student capability: An alternative approach to supporting students to maximize their potential
Mathematics and Māori-medium education: Learners’ perspectives
Te Pikinga ki Runga: Raising Possibilities
Connecting science teachers with their Māori students: Linking one school’s tuata with forest ecology
The Te Kotahitanga Effective Teaching Profile
Reading-related language abilities: Māori children “at promise”
First language literacy skill transfer in a second language learning environment: STRATEGIES FOR BILITERACY
RĀPP: tape-assisted reading to support students' literacy in Māori in two bilingual schools
Using focus groups to support conceptual development in social studies
Engaging whānau with children's science learning
Students and NCEA course choices and allocations
Visions for Māori Education
Effects for Māori of bulk funding, a literature review
Benefits of immersion education
Te Hiringa i Te Mahara: The power of the mind: Evaluation report
So what's so special about special education for Māori?
Reading Recovery in New Zealand: Uptake, implementation, and outcomes, especially in relation to Maori and Pasifika students
Cultural issues that challenge traditional science teaching
Faction or fiction: Using narrative pedagogy in school science education
Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura
Mātauranga motuhake
Evaluation of initial uses and impact of Equity Funding
He whānau mātau, he whānau ora: Māori adult literacy and whānau transformation
Assessing Adult Learning: Literacy and Numeracy Competencies: Conference Proceedings, 2010
The Māori Language: Dying or Reviving?
Eastern Bay of Plenty & East Coast Community Reports—Survey of Language Use in Māori Households and Communities