Attachment | Size |
Te Ahu o te Reo Matawaia (English) | 228.9 KB |
Te ahu te Reo Matawaia (Māori) | 166.67 KB |
He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Jenny Lee-Morgan, Eruera Morgan me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie
Nā ngā whānau, nā ngā pou reo, nā ngā kaiārahi o te hāpori, nā ngā kaiakiaki i te reo tēnei pūrongo mō te hunga whai pānga ki Matawaia. I kōrerohia, i tirohia te ora (te mate rānei) o te reo i ngā papa kāinga. Kia kitea hoki te wāriu (uara) o te reo ki ngā whānau nō Matawaia.
First and foremost, this report is for the people of Matawaia, and reflects what whānau and pou reo (community leaders and advocates of te reo Māori) shared with us about the health of te reo Māori within the papa kāinga and its value to whānau from Matawaia.