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Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey 2018 Report

Cathy Wylie, Sue McDowall, and Hilary Ferral
PDF icon TSP 2018 report FINAL.pdf8.6 MB

How do you support busy school leaders and teachers to take advantage of the strong body of evidence now available about effective teaching, school, and leadership practices?

How do we grow our understanding of teaching, school, and principal leadership practices nationally, so that the system can learn and improve? What are the strengths and needs of our educators and schools? And are new policies having their intended effect?

The Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey tool (TSP)1 was designed to meet these needs. 

This report describes the aggregated responses for the schools that used the TSP in 2018.  Compared with the national school picture, schools using the TSP included fewer small, rural, decile 1–2 schools, and schools with high Māori enrolment.

Year published: 
Publication type: 
Research report
ISBN 978-1-98-854265
Full text download: 