English-medium schools have the potential to play an important role in revitalising te reo Māori. Te Wāhanga—New Zealand Council for Educational Research has produced this findings report to support English-medium primary schools to grow te reo Māori, and strengthen their reo Māori teaching and learning programmes. 

Within our findings report we identify:  

  • Key issues for English-medium primary schools to consider when developing a strategic approach to Māori language teaching and learning  
  • Practices that create a positive impact on Māori language teaching and learning in English-medium primary schools.  

You can also find more of our work to support reo Māori revitalisation here, including our Literature review.  

Report published October 18, 2022









Publication type
Research report
Publication year
Bright, N., & Smaill, E. (2022). He reo ka tipu i ngā kura: Growing te reo Māori in English-medium schools—Findings report. NZCER. https://doi.org/10.18296/rep.0024