Revitalising te reo Māori in education

Revitalising te reo Māori banner in green with nzcer logo


NZCER has a long history of conducting research to support the revitalisation of te reo Māori. We continue to carry out research to support the aspirations of whānau and Māori communities to grow te reo Māori as the heritage language of Māori, and a national language for all New Zealanders. Our work contributes to NZCER’s strategic priorities of upholding mana Māori, whakamana Māori; decolonising education; and improving equity for ākonga and equity in education.

By providing research about how we can all contribute to the revitalisation of te reo Māori, we hope to see whānau and communities gain better access to quality reo Māori education that supports their aspirations.  

Read our reports

Interested in reading our work? We have provided links to many of our research reports, articles, and blogs about reo Māori revitalisation and kaupapa Māori at the bottom of this page. 


2 November 2021 Let’s not forget who reo Māori revitalisation is most important to – Ipu Kererū ( Ipu Kereru: Blog of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education  

14 September 2017 Te Ahu o Te Reo – The Health of the Māori Language – Ipu Kererū ( Ipu Kereru: Blog of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education  

2 August 2017  What will it take to make a difference for learners of te reo Māori? – Ipu Kererū ( Ipu Kereru: Blog of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education  

Set: Research Information for Teachers

2021: Aronuitia te reo Insights from the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement

2017 Ka Whānau mai te Reo: Supporting whānau reo Māori development during educational transitions

2014 Reo and mātauranga Māori revitalisation: Learning visions for the future

2012 Critical issues for whānau in English-medium schools

Revitalising te reo Māori in education