He reo ka tipu i ngā kura: Growing te reo Māori in schools—Literature review

He reo ka tipu i ngā kura Growing te reo Māori in schools—Literature review

Nā Te Wāhanga o te Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa tēnei arotakenga mātātuhi i whakaputa, hei tautoko i ngā kura tuatahi o te ara reo Pākehā e rapu huarahi ana ki te whakapakari i ā rātou hōtaka whakaako, i ā rātou hōtaka ako hoki o te reo Māori.

Ka whakamāramahia ki te pūrongo nei, kia whai aronga rautaki ngā kura tuatahi o te ara reo Pākehā mō te whakaako me te ako i te reo Māori, i te mea:

  • Ko te whai wāhitanga ki te ako i te reo Māori ki te kura, he mōtika ā-reo mō ngā tamariki Māori
  • Ka whai wāhi te reo Māori ki tō tātou tuakiri ā-motu, ka whai pānga nui hoki te reo Māori ki ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa
  • He kawatau kia whakaakona e ngā kura tuatahi ngā tikanga me te reo Māori 

E tautuhi ana te pūrongo i ngā take matua, i ngā kaupapa rānei hei whakaarotanga mā ngā kura i a rātou e kōkiri ana i tētahi aronga rautaki ki te whakaako me te ako i te reo Māori. He ārahitanga tūturu anō hoki o roto kua ahu mai i ngā whakaaturanga, hei āwhina i ngā kura i a rātou e toro atu ana, e aro nui ana hoki ki aua kaupapa whakahirahira.

Te Wāhanga—New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) produced this literature review to support English-medium primary schools that are seeking to strengthen their reo Māori teaching and learning programmes.

The report explains that English-medium primary schools should take a strategic approach to teaching and learning te reo Māori because:

* Having the opportunity to learn te reo Māori at school is a linguistic right for tamariki Māori
* Te reo Māori is part of our national identity and is important for all New Zealanders
* Primary schools are expected to provide instruction in tikanga and te reo Māori

The report identifies key issues or kaupapa that schools should consider when adopting a strategic approach to teaching and learning te reo Māori. It also provides practical evidence-based advice to
assist schools as they engage with and respond to these important kaupapa.

Publication type
Research report
Publication year
Bright, N., Smaill, E., Overbye, S., & Edge, K. (2021). He reo ka tipu i ngā kura Growing te reo Māori in schools. NZCER. https://doi.org/10.18296/rep.0017