The following are the East Coast and Eastern Bay of Plenty community reports from the Survey of Language Use in Māori Households and Communities.
The Māori Language in Rangitukia
Author: Lee Smith
Year published: 1982
Bulletin number: 21
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Te Araroa and vicinity
Author: Lee Smith
Year published: 1983
Bulletin number: 30
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Hicks Bay
Author: Lee Smith
Year published: 1983
Bulletin number: 31
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Gisborne city
Author: Lee Smith
Year published: 1983
Bulletin number: 35
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Ōpōtiki
Author: Lee Smith
Year published: 1983
Bulletin number: 67
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Te Kaha
Author: Lee Smith
Year published: 1983
Bulletin number: 81
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in central Waiapu
Author: Richard Benton
Year published: 1984
Bulletin number: 87
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Tokomaru Bay
Author: Paula Martin
Year published: 1986
Bulletin number: 118
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Tolaga Bay and Whāngārā
Author: Paula Martin
Year published: 1986
Bulletin number: 119
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Ōpōtiki county
Author: Paula Martin
Year published: 1986
Bulletin number: 127
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Pōtaka and Waikura
Author: Paula Martin
Year published: 1986
Bulletin number: 131
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Waikohu county
Author: Paula Martin
Year published: 1986
Bulletin number: 132
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in Manutuke and neighbouring communities
Author: Paula Martin
Year published: 1987
Bulletin number: 133
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER
The Māori Language in a Hundred Communities
Reprinted from an article originally published in Te Korimako 1 ; Dec 1983, p. 68-82. This bulletin summarises some of the information contained in the first 85 community reports.
Author: Richard Benton
Year published: 1984
Bulletin number: 88
ISSN: 0113-3063
Publisher: NZCER