Uiuinga ā-Motu o ngā Kura; National Survey of Schools

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National Survey yellow design
Uiuinga ä-Motu o ngā kura - National Survey LOGO


NZCER began regular surveys of primary schools in 1989, focusing on the impact of the educational reforms that began then. In 2003, we added secondary schools. We survey each schooling level every 3 years, and we ask questions of principals, teachers, Board of Trustees

Our national surveys have become significant gauges of what is happening in our schools. They are important sources of information for the teaching profession, the Ministry of Education and other government agencies, and the public. They are funded by Te Pae Tawhiti, NZCER's Government Grant from the Ministry of Education.

Our National Surveys have given principals, teachers, representative organisations, and government agencies timely and useful pictures of what is happening and how schools, principals, and teachers are faring, and what parents think.

The 2024 National Survey has now been sent to a sample of schools, with one survey for principals and one for teachers. 

✨ What's New for 2024?

  • Shorter & Simpler – The survey now takes just 15 minutes to complete online!
  • Focused Questions – We’ve refined the questions based on what YOU told us matters most.
  • A New Look – We’ve rebranded the whole project. It’s moved online and looks cool!

✨ Why Should You Participate?

  • Make Your Voice Heard – Help shape the future of Aotearoa’s education system.
  • Receive a personalised School Summary – Get valuable insights about your school.
  • Win a $200 Voucher – There are 5 vouchers for principals and 5 for teachers!

If you have been selected to participate – please make your voice count today! We expect to be sharing the overall results early next year.

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