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Working with the PLD Priorities: Nine high impact practices
NZCER submission on the Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP)
Opportunities for education in a changing climate: Themes from key informant interviews
Educational Leadership Practices Survey
Women becoming secondary school leaders: Barriers, supports, and enablers
Secondary schools in 2018: Findings from the NZCER national survey
Trends in assessment: An overview of themes in the literature
Tautokona te reo: The wellbeing of te reo Māori in kura and schools
NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016: Methodology and sample information
Formative evaluation of the Principal Recruitment Allowance
Secondary schools in 2015
NZCER Submission on the Update of the Education Act
Solving summer slide: Strategies and suggestions
The successful inclusion of pregnant and mothering students in New Zealand schools
Te reo Māori in classrooms: Current policy, future practice
Early childhood teachers’ perspectives on, and experiences of, multicultural education
“We know what to say—do we know what to do?” Confronting the disconnection between legislation, policy, and practices for inclusion of young children with disabilities
Primary and intermediate schools in 2013
Recent policy developments and the “schoolification” of early childhood care and education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Challenging hegemonic understandings in compulsory risk management and rehabilitation of intellectually disabled offenders through curriculum design
The tightening noose: Scientific management and early childhood education
Editorial: Making sense of curriculum
Exploring first-grade teachers’ use of data to inform early literacy instruction
Improving learning opportunities: Why schools can’t do it on their own
Secondary schools in 2012
Student inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A)
Fifteen thousand hours: findings and implications
Who Gets to Teach?
Ages and stages: A guide to class nomenclature - Asia
Opportunities for Teacher Collaborative Practices in a Self-Managed School System: the New Zealand Experience
Good practice to best practice: Extending policies and children's minds
Inclusionary early childhood centre policy and procedures: An examination of policies and enrolment protocols
Quality improvement in early childhood services in New Zealand using The Quality Journey resource
Understanding the lines in the sand: Diversity, its discourses and building a responsive education system
Teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Comparing primary and secondary teachers in New Zealand
Key competencies in the New Zealand curriculum: development through consultation
Looking back, looking forward: three decades of early childhood curriculum development in Aotearoa New Zealand
The draft New Zealand Curriculum
Once were curriculum developers
Conceptions of curriculum: A framework for understanding New Zealand’s curriculum framework and teachers’ opinions
A thinking curriculum
The literary curriculum and the denial of backgrounds
Literacy and the achievement gap
Signalling shifts in meaning: the experience of social studies curriculum design
Epistemological voyaging: thinking about a Māori-centric curriculum
The spectre of the literary curriculum
Planning and developing a social studies programme: a case for “serious talk” in the syndicate
Montessori mathematics in early childhood education
Caught in between: How the scientific management of education in New Zealand made history history
The location and dislocation of Pacific knowledge and experience in New Zealand social studies (1997–2007)
The status of Te Ātiawa histories of place in Port Nicholson Block (Wellington, Hutt Valley) secondary schools: Some research findings
How the conception of knowledge influences our educational practices: Toward a philosophical understanding of epistemology in education
Trust, collaboration and professional learning: Assessment for learning in Scotland
Māori and Pacific secondary student and parent perspectives on achievement, motivation and NCEA
Developing a curriculum for assessment education
Assessment: Complex concept and complex practice
Spotlight on children’s issues: an interview with Anne Smith
Documenting for inclusion: How do we create an inclusive environment for all children?
“If you don’t know her, she can’t talk”: Noticing the tensions between deficit discourses and inclusive early childhood education
Ripples of action: Strengthening environmental competency in an early childhood centre
Book review—Politics in the Playground: The World of Early Childhood in New Zealand (second edition), by Helen May
Spotlight on leadership: An interview with Professor Viviane Robinson
Kaupapa Māori assessment: A journey of meaning making
“But who are the parents?” Examining heteronormative discourses in New Zealand government early childhood reports and policy
An integrative curriculum approach to road safety education
Young children’s learning in early education settings and at home: Mothers’ understandings
Sameness-as-fairness: Early childhood professionals negotiating multiculturalism in childcare
Finding our way: Interpreting Reggio in a New Zealand context
Advocating for infants’ rights in early childhood education
Becoming ecologically sustainable in early childhood education
Food for thought: Breastfeeding and early childhood education services
Principal vacancies and appointments 2009–10
Being “sociocultural” in early childhood education practice in Aotearoa
What Are the Benefits of Single-sex Maths Classes?
Junior School Class Size: Where are we now?
Finding Your First Job: From College to Classroom Under New Rules
Girls are better than Boys?
Size, Costs, Curriculum in Secondary Schools
A Great Waste of Talent
From Secondary School to Work in Japan
The crisis in education
Measuring Added Value in Schools
Measuring the Effects of Schooling
Three Dozen's a Crowd
...Some schools are more equal than others... Schools and market choice in Aotearoa, 1994
Four terms instead of three
The Group Interview: One aspect of selecting applicants for teacher education
Multi-age grouping
Home-based education: Not "does it work?" but "why does it work so well?"
Effective communication in schools: Can a business model be of value in education?
The Corporate Invasion of Schooling: Some implications for pupils, teachers, and education
Ages and stages: A guide to class nomenclature
Two at the top: Power sharing at Selwyn College
Change & the New Zealand primary school curriculum
"Key" competencies for all students? Australian teachers' views and practices
Education vouchers: The research evidence
Roll change and the removal of zoning, 1991-1998
Curriculum delivery for Years 7 to 10
Educating students in the middle: Getting it right with or without middle schools
School size and achievement of primary and intermediate students
Dr CE Beeby and the quality of education
Meeting individual educational needs: Legal identification, or systemic support?
What’s news in education?
Learners and Outcomes: Where did all the children go?
Celebrating a Continuing Service
New ways of thinking about raising boys' achievement
Find the moral
The decline in jumping standards
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Characteristics and achievements
"In, about, and for": Exploring the foundations of environmental education
Selling our education: Income and cultural diversity or disadvantaging domestic students?
New understandings of educational leadership
Transitions within the centre & to school: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centre
"I feel I belong here": The culture and ethos of inclusive schools
Spotlight on effective teaching: An interview with John Hattie
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 1: A review of the literature
Matching parents’ efforts: How teachers can resist heteronormativity in early education settings
New orthodoxies? The politics of alternative education in New Zealand
Effective school self-management - what's ahead? Conference proceedings, October 1998
Early Childhood Education for a Democratic Society: Conference Proceedings, 2001
Total eclipse of the heart? Theoretical and ethical implications of doing post-structural ethnographic research
School-based curriculum development: is it coming back into fashion?
Report back on the first NZCER national survey of early childhood education services: 2003–2004
Questions for a twenty-first century senior secondary curriculum
Investigating multiple literacies: Wadestown Kindergarten COI
Educational vouchers: The research evidence
Currents of change: Early childhood education in 2001
Daring to be different: The rise and fall of Auckland Metropolitan College
Alternative education today
What is the reality of school competition?
Trading Choices: Young people's career decisions and gender segregation in the trades
Effects for Māori of bulk funding, a literature review
Can vouchers deliver better education? A review of the literature, with special reference to New Zealand
Meeting individual educational needs: Legal identification, or systemic support?
Differences between community owned and privately owned early childhood education and care centres: A review of evidence
Challenge for educational transformation: Achieving the aim of 'thinking and acting locally, nationally and globally' in a devolved education system
Impact of Tomorrow's Schools in primary schools and intermediates: 1991 survey report
Impact of Tomorrow's Schools in primary schools and intermediates: 1990 survey report
Evaluation of initial uses and impact of Equity Funding
Educational issues for communities affected by transience and residential mobility: report on phase 1 (2003-2004)