In late 2005, NZCER was contracted to provide support to the Normal Schools as they began to review teaching and learning practices to incorporate the new Key Competencies framework into their school context.
There were two aspects to the NZCER contract. One was working with the Normal Schools Association to assist in providing professional development workshops to school staff on the Key Competencies and curriculum change. A second aspect was working with six case study schools to chart their journeys during 2006.
This report summarises the findings from this research. It has three sections. The first section describes the design of the research; the second section summarises common themes across the six schools; and the third section provides case studies of each school.
NZCER, for the Ministry of Education and the Normal Schools Association, 2006
Full report: Shifting the frame: Exploring integration of the key competencies at six normal schools (PDF, 2 MB)