Tale of two hyphens: working the policy-research and researcher-researched hyphens in a longitudinal youth transition project

This article shows how one longitudinal youth transition study has attempted to draw on the idea of 'working the hyphen' of researcher-researched relations by paying attention to a second hyphen-that of policy-research.

The article argues that this second hyphen is equally important in a study which challenges the positioning of young people as both the problem and solution of transition by asking different questions, and telling different stories, about transition.  The article shows how the study's researchers have attempted to 'work' both hyphens and re-think relationships, not only with youth participants, but also with tertiary study organisations, employers and government policy managers.

See the full article in the Journal of Social Research Methodology https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13645570701605905