Jane Gilbert


Untangling constructivism, knowledge, and knowledge-building for “future-oriented” teaching Journal article 2018
Exploring teacher professional learning for future-oriented schooling Research publication 2014
Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community Research publication 2013
Building a future-oriented science education system in New Zealand: How are we doing? Research publication 2013
Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective Research publication 2012
Swimming out of our depth? Leading learning in 21st century schools Research publication 2012
Building a science curriculum with an effective nature of science component Research publication 2012
Inspired by science Research publication 2010
Trading Choices: Young people's career decisions and gender segregation in the trades Research publication 2008
Progress in 21st century education? Research publication 2008
Student movement and schools - what are the issues? Research publication 2007
Catching the knowledge wave: Redefining knowledge for the post-industrial age Research publication 2007
Zooming in on Learning in the Digital Age: A Literature Review Research publication 2006
Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: What can the Tech Angels project teach us? Research publication 2006
Educational issues for communities affected by transience and residential mobility: report on phase 1 (2003-2004) Research publication 2005
Faction or fiction: Using narrative pedagogy in school science education Research publication 2005
Catching the Knowledge Wave? The Knowledge Society: what does it mean for education? Journal article 2003
Science 2.0 and school science Research publication