Student management systems in secondary schools |
Journal article |
2013 |
Student inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A) |
Journal article |
2012 |
The transfer of literacy, language and numeracy skills from learning programmes into the workplace: Literature review |
Research publication |
2011 |
School planning and reporting in action: The early years of the new framework |
Research publication |
2007 |
Taking the pulse of NCEA: Findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2006 |
Research publication |
2007 |
Growing independence : A summary of key findings from the Competent Learners @14 project |
Research publication |
2006 |
Growing Independence: Competent Learners @ 14 |
Research publication |
2006 |
Staying in Science 2 : Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand Year 13 science students |
Research publication |
2006 |
Evaluation of the Business of Science initiative: Final research report |
Research publication |
2003 |
Sharing science: Knowing the audience |
Research publication |
2002 |
Supporting teachers to navigate uncertainties in rapidly changing times |
Blog post |
Conflicting motivations and the uncertainties of change in teaching and learning |
Blog post |
Learning productive ways to ‘be’ in uncertain times |
Blog post |
Teaching is both complex and complicated: why uncertainty is unavoidable |
Blog post |
Making progress in evidence-based reasoning: what part do contexts play? |
Blog post |
The knotty issue of assigning curriculum levels to assessment results |
Blog post |
TIMSS and the progress challenge |
Blog post |
Demonstrating their science capabilities: (how) are students making progress? |
Blog post |
What do we mean when we ask if students are "making progress" in science? |
Blog post |
PISA and the progress question |
Blog post |