Learning experiences outside the classroom (LEOTC) contract monitoring

NZCER was contracted by the Ministry of Education to monitor Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTC) providers who received funding for their services. The LEOTC team monitored museums, zoos, art galleries, aquariums, outdoor education providers, and environmental organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand. As a part of this contract NZCER provided support and advice to providers. This included site visits to observe and evaluate education programmes in action. The team also provided opportunities to discuss programme content and delivery, teaching and learning practice, and ways to ensure students get the most benefit from their experiences.

Information about the LEOTC and the various providers around the country can be found on the TKI website.

Documents produced as part of this monitoring project were posted on the provider support section of the LEOTC home page.

Project Outputs

Publication year Publication type
LEOTC Provider Trends, Issues, and Themes 2010 Research report