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Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM)

Pauline Waiti

The Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM) project encompassed a number of school improvement initiatives that aimed to:

• improve student achievement
• improve school performance
• strengthen school and community relationships
• upgrade school ICT infrastructure; and
• improve teachers’ professional capability through ICT

In the NZCER evaluation of this project interviews with principals and teachers were undertaken in a total of six wharekura, three Paerangi schools, seven schools in the Kiwa cluster, and six in the Wairoa cluster in 2002 and 2003. Twelve video conferencing classes and 59 ICT-related classes were observed.

This report summarises the findings of the fieldwork from 2002 and 2003.

Year published: 
Publication type: 
Research report
NZCER, for the Ministry of Education
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Pauline Waiti