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Early childhood
Early childhood
Maternal perceptions of aspects of learning partnerships
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement
Fire safety in schools, kura, ECE centres, and kohanga reo: Looking to the future
A pedagogy of listening
Self-review processes: Using critical discourse analysis to improve practices in early childhood education settings
Family composition as depicted in the New Zealand Picture Book Collection
Impacts and implications of early childhood education social obligations
The initiating parent voice: Placing the child at the heart of the dialogue about learning
E tipu e rea: Messages for early childhood practice
How do teachers build strong relationships? A study of teaching practices to support child learning and social–emotional competence
Kia tau te rangimārie: Towards peace-centred, Te Whāriki-based practice
Beyond the gate: A case study of dispositional learning from kindergarten to school
Assessment for learning: A comparative study of paper-based portfolios and online ePortfolios
Parent, whānau, and teacher engagement through online portfolios in early childhood education
“I want to say…”: Privileging young children’s voices in iPad-supported assessment for learning
Early childhood initial teacher education students’ learning about assessment
POET programme interviews
Mapping transitions
Shifting realities: Immigrant teacher transitions into early childhood settings in Aotearoa New Zealand
Parent decision-making about early childhood education: Reducing barriers to participation
Transition to school: A Swedish perspective
Communication that supports positive relationships between preschools and schools at the time of children’s transition
Transition portfolios: Another tool in the transition kete
Transforming relationships and curriculum: Visiting family homes
He Huarahi Aromatawai— Assessment Journeys
How might teachers enrich children’s working theories? Getting to the heart of the matter
Early childhood teachers’ perspectives on, and experiences of, multicultural education
A safe path: Giftedness in the early years
“We know what to say—do we know what to do?” Confronting the disconnection between legislation, policy, and practices for inclusion of young children with disabilities
Digital technologies, play, and learning
Questions that matter, conversations that count: Implementing critical literacy with young children
Making changes or holding on: Early childhood teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand engage in identity work
Recent policy developments and the “schoolification” of early childhood care and education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Democracy in early childhood education How information and communication technology contributes to democratic pedagogy and practices
Twenty-six days with “Christa” Using autoethnography in reflective practice in early childhood education
Building culturally respectful learning spaces for Aboriginal children
Book review
The tightening noose: Scientific management and early childhood education
Tōku mātauranga oranga: Making visible the learning journey from early childhood education into school
Exploring ratios and group size as indicators of quality in the New Zealand and Japanese early childhood context
Supporting diversity: Picture books featuring same-gender parental families
Principled practices: Respect and reciprocity through linguistically responsive pedagogy
Dispositional teaching in early childhood education
Responding authentically to Pasifika children's learning and identity development
Marie Bell
Pedagogy beyond the gate: The Ngahere Project
Innovation at Wilton Playcentre
Early Childhood Education for a Democratic Society: Conference Proceedings, 2001
Why free early childhood education? A policy based on evidence and children's rights
Putting children first: a well qualified teaching workforce
Collaborative relationships in practice: Possibilities and challenges