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Maths education
Maths education
An initial exploration of curriculum levels in Science and Mathematics and Statistics
Learning Progressions for Students working within Level 1 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum
Students’ maths self-efficacy exceeds their predicted achievement: Initial findings of an ongoing study
Using PATs to explore achievement and progress
Assessing students’ maths self-efficacy and achievement
New Zealand Students’ Mathematics-Related Beliefs and Attitudes: Recent Evidence
Students' beliefs about themselves as mathematics learners
How ambitious is “ambitious mathematics teaching”?
Using multiplication and division contexts with young children to develop part–whole thinking
A new era for PAT: Mathematics —Online, interactive, and adaptive
The financial capability of secondary students, and the place of financial capability in secondary schools - summary report
Language and learning about linear scale: Talking the walk
Policy and practice in New Zealand primary mathematics: Listening to two teachers’ stories about the impact of education policy on their classroom programmes
Navigating and noticing: Preservice teachers’ journeys in planning mathematics programmes
Respect in teaching and learning mathematics: Professionals who know, listen to and work with students
A four-stage framework for assessing statistical literacy
Developing statistical numeracy in primary schools
Testing on the net: Assessment Resource Banks in mathematics and science
Once Upon a Time, Amongst Blocks and Car Cases . . . Action Research to Enable Girls' Mathematics Learning
Early numeracy
Teaching and learning fractions: Lessons from alternative example spaces
Mathematics and The New Zealand Curriculum in the primary classroom
Mathematics curriculum change: Parliamentary discussion over the past two decades
Creating opportunities through care in the mathematics classroom
Creating opportunities for learning with mathematical tasks
Who cares? Student's values and the mathematics curriculum
Transnumerative thinking: finding and telling stories within data
Mathematics education in the English and French contexts and the implications for New Zealand of a “Europeanised” curriculum
Grab that kite! Teaching mathematics in te reo Māori
Montessori mathematics in early childhood education
Using narrative inquiry to explore mathematics curriculum
Communicating, thinking, and tools: Exploring two of the key competencies
Book review: Teaching Secondary School Mathematics and Statistics: Evidence-based Practice, R. Averill and R. Harvey (Eds.)
Integrating Number and Algebra in The New Zealand Curriculum: Implications for teaching
Commentary: Towards defining, assessing and reporting against national standards for literacy and numeracy in New Zealand
An analysis of the high representation of scientific and mathematical disciplines in New Zealand Scholarship Premier awards
Subject knowledge enhances the documentation of young children’s mathematical learning
The development of mathematical language in a young child: A pilot study
Te Kākano (the seed): Growing rich mathematics in ECE settings
What Are the Benefits of Single-sex Maths Classes?
Lessons from Mrs A and Mrs P: Helping Children Understand the Formal Symbolic Language of Arithmetic
Small children solve big problems
Evaluating Learning in Mathematics
Teaching Money making: School Based Enterprise in Australia; The Value of Mini-enterprises in Britain
Helping One Another Learn: discussion in junior mathematics
Senior school maths, university style
What Mathematicians Do and why it is important in the classroom
Gambling with maths
A basketful of assessment riches
Watching Oneself Teach
A Day at the Races: IQ, expertise, and cognitive complexity
The Mathematical Needs of School Leavers
Diversity (and Geometry) in a multicultural school
Fractions: A weeping sore in mathematics education
Learning Mathematics IN MAORI
Beyond Expectations: Using calculators with young children
Is there a case for integrated learning systems?
Co-operative Small Groups in Mathematics: The Perceptions and Involvement of Intermediate Students
Children's understanding of probability concepts: Some ideas for the classroom
Intervention in Mathematics
Task demands and instructional support in mathematics: Influences on strategic learning behaviours of secondary students
Problem solving In Mathematics
Placing and pacing in Beginning School Mathematics
Promoting number sense rather than number skills
The acquisition of numeracy
Integrating values education into the mathematics classroom
Difficulties with decimals and using everyday knowledge to overcome them
Thinking mathematically: Problem solving, sense-making, and communicating
Diagnosing misconceptions in mathematics: Using the Assessment Resource Banks to remedy student errors
Report card for integrated learning systems (SuccessMaker): Is there evidence of improved literacy and numeracy outcomes?
What do teachers get out of in-class modelling?
Developing numeracy through Cognitively Guided Instruction
Do Year 9 students need help with fractions and multiplying?
How high should we aim? An examination of progress in the Early Numeracy Project
Making judgments about children’s numeracy strategies
How useful do teachers find the tools and strategies they use for assessing English and mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9?
What tools and strategies do teachers use to assess Years 5, 7, and 9 students in English and mathematics?
The meaning of “equals”
Teacher feedback to students in numeracy lessons: Are students getting good value?
Young children’s understanding of volume
The Band-Aid Strip
Children’s notions of commutativity: Do we need more than “turn-arounds”?
Māori students in science and mathematics: Junior programmes in secondary schools
Home–school partnerships in mathematics education
Mathematics word problems and Year 12 students
How I feel about maths at school—accessing children's understandings through their drawings
How well do our students achieve? A summary of 35 years of international comparisons
Multiple perspectives on a withdrawal programme for students gifted in mathematics
Acquiring the mathematics register in classrooms
Does numeracy = mathematics?
"If they don't care, then I won't": The importance of caring about our students' mathematics learning
Fast horses, slow cows: Context and mathematical tasks
Basic facts: Start with strategies, move on to memorisation
Mathematics and Māori-medium education: Learners’ perspectives
Fractions: Partitioning and the part-whole concept
Supporting students' additive thinking: The use of equal additions for subtraction
Developing statistical literacy with Year 9 students
How well do your students understand fractions?
Understanding the unknown: Looking at algebraic thinking—number properties
Self-regulated learning in mathematics classes
Reflecting on mathematics journals: The kaleidoscope effect
Estimation exposed
Shifting balances: The impact of level 1 NCEA on teaching of mathematics and science
Essentials of numeracy
Evaluation of Home-School Partnership: Numeracy
Evaluation of the CAS pilot project
Classroom Assessment Practices in English and Mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9
Assessment for Foundation Learning: The importance of purposeful assessment in adult literacy, numeracy and language courses
An evaluation of the CAS Pilot Project 2006-2007
Assessing Adult Learning: Literacy and Numeracy Competencies: Conference Proceedings, 2010