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Under the radar—A rapid review of recent literature about youth problem gambling
Dargaville Pūtoi Rito Communities of Readers—Research report
Hei whakaarotanga: Engaging with models of health and wellbeing that draw on mātauranga Māori
Teacher perspectives from NZCER’s 2023 national survey of area schools
Secondary principals’ perspectives from NZCER's 2022 National Survey of Schools
Supporting early career teachers and kaiako: Experiences of mentoring, induction, and PLD
Ngā whai painga o Te Ao Haka—The positive impacts of Te Ao Haka for ākonga, whānau, and kaiako
National Survey Research Brief 2—PLD and school wide wellbeing as predictors of teacher morale and workload
Learnings and outcomes from the second year of Tūturu
Secondary teachers’ perspectives from NZCER’s 2021 National Survey of Secondary Schools
Manaakitia ngā tamariki kia ora ai - Supporting children's wellbeing
Maternal perceptions of aspects of learning partnerships
What’s happening in our English-medium primary schools: Findings from the NZCER national survey 2019 Full report
Shaping adulthood: Relationships, values, and experiences of the Competent Learners @ 26
Tautokona te reo: The wellbeing of te reo Māori in kura and schools
Making a difference to student wellbeing—a data exploration
Enriching the wellbeing of young adolescents in secondary school
"It's who we are" Stories of practice and change from PB4L School-Wide Schools
Findings from the first phase of the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Year 2 Evaluation - Getting Runs on the Board
PB4L School-wide Evaluation: Preliminary findings
Hei Ara Ako ki te Oranga: A model for measuring wellbeing outcomes from literacy programmes
Māori and future food technologies
Educating healthy citizens in New Zealand schools: Students leading the way
The contributions of learning in the arts: Literary review and summary brochure
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 2: A synthesis
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 1: A review of the literature
Wellbeing at School: Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying
Wellbeing at School Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying
Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura