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Standardised testing can be useful – if we keep it low-stakes
The New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) acknowledges the government’s announcement on assessment for schools and stresses the need for standardised testing to be used alongside good practices that support teaching and learning.
Secondary teacher survey responses wanted - you could win $150!
Over the past four years, NZCER has conducted annual evaluations of the Sorted in Schools programme for the Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission.
PAT Pāngarau | PAT Mathematics: Changes to scale scores and national reference information
The Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) from NZCER have been undergoing a refresh in the last two years, including significant changes to visuals and content. This is to ensure all ākonga are reflected in the assessments, and includes some updates to our robust design and reporting.
Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) - what’s new for 2024
Tēnā koutou katoa, and welcome back for 2024. The first order of business (as it will be for many of you) is our assessment refresh. We have some exciting new developments on the PAT front to accompany changes from last year, and have all the details below!
NZCER congratulates the 2023 Margaret May Blackwell Fellow
The 2023 Margaret Blackwell travel fellowship for early childhood education has been awarded to Jo Knox, of The Learner First and Maths Development Ltd.
Upcoming webinar: Meaningful feedback for continuous improvement in the classroom
A new free webinar from NZCER tackles an issue teachers will be familiar with, but may have many unanswered questions about – formative feedback.
Free Zoom hui for our new PAT Pāngarau | PAT Mathematics assessments
NZCER is excited to be releasing our kete of refreshed paper and online PAT Pāngarau | Mathematics tests in 2024.
Whakatere Tōmua, the NZCER newsletter | September 2023
This is the September edition of Whakatere Tōmua, the NZCER newsletter. To stay up to date with the latest from NZCER as it arrives, you can sign up for our newsletter here.