Early Childhood Folio 4 (1999)

In order to fully engage with children’s thinking, teachers need to develop practices which allow them to engage in in-depth dialogue with individuals or small groups of children, with minimal interruption, for extended periods of time. This paper looks at one model of what can happen when such a structure is implemented.

The passionate determination shown by one-year old children to play outside led this author to analyse the empowerment offered by outdoor experiences.

Joint attention, where an adult and child share attention to some action, object, or topic, is the basis of communication and learning.  Good quality childcare centres help ensure that children do experience these important social interactions.

There are challenges to be faced when blending elements of two curriculum documents. Here are the tactics used by two teachers who use both the national early childhood education curriculum statement (Te Whāriki), and a planning document for the development and use of the Samoan language in education (Ta`iala).

A fascinating insight into how children learn “to do school”. This study identifies the ways in which children make use of peer modelling and assistance as first they adjust to the classroom climate, and then contribute to it as new five-year-olds join the class. Reprinted from set: Research Information for Teachers, 1999, 1, article 4.

In the rush to consider management and administration issues in early childhood centres, is there enough focus on leadership in the centres? For instance, is there a particular style found among early childhood educators? If so, how does it fit with current management expectations? This study of a small group of kindergarten senior teachers shows there is more to learn about leadership characteristics and discusses issues of professional support and compliance with regulations and… Read more

What is it like to be a male in one of the few occupations which has not experienced a significant change in gender balance in recent years? Here is a case for encouraging more men to enter early childhood teaching.

The issues of childcare that affect most working parents are intensified for shiftworking parents. The concerns of these parents cannot be disregarded, nor should the needs of the young children involved be ignored.

Knowing how parents believe that children learn and how they encourage literacy development in the home will help teachers in  kindergarten to build on home literacy experiences.