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Author(s): Margaret Geddes and Keri Wilton

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons. The theme is the full participation of disabled people in all aspects of community life....

Author(s): Nick Zepke

One does not win brownie points anymore for saying that New Zealand is undergoing profound change. New technology could bring about a global village culture, or a return to rural living, or a...

Author(s): Richard B. Baldauf

Teachers have always needed valid tests to assess students' proficiency so that the most appropriate classroom instruction can be used. This is particularly true in the current educational...

Author(s): Saul V. Levine

Youth unemployment is not a new problem but its extent, and the way it will not go away, are new. Economic downturns affect young people disproportionately: they are unemployed, or the last...

Author(s): David Galloway

Concern about disruptive behaviour has increased dramatically in the last decade. Three reasons are often put forward for this.
(i) Disruptive behaviour in schools is the inevitable...

Author(s): Peter K. Smith and Kevin J. Connolly

For some years now we have been studying the behaviour of preschool children in nurseries and playgroups. From our early observations a feature which most caught our attention was the difference...

Author(s): Robert A. Wilkins

Moral education is important for developing good mental health. Ours is a pluralistic society in that different groups seek different goals and operate from different values. Therefore, we have...

Author(s): Clive McGee

Most teachers are probably just as curious about what goes on in other classrooms as they are about what goes on in their own. But generally we do not get much opportunity to observe our...

Author(s): Jo Jenkinson

As every teacher knows, in any normal classroom and whatever subject is being taught, there will be a wide range of individual differences in students' learning. Some will learn more quickly...

Author(s): Adrian Fordham

Most of the findings of research into teaching and learning seem fairly self-evident. Good teachers know about them almost intuitively and may be disappointed that educational researchers have...

Author(s): William Turnbull

The need to assess how much students have learned has been fundamental in education for as long as there have been students and teachers. Long before standardized tests of achievement came on...

Author(s): Graham Wagner

There are three major methods of determining how readable (i.e. understandable) prose is.
1. The teacher, from experience, makes an estimate Teacher Estimates.
2. The pupil tries...

Author(s): Penpilai Rithakananone, Dianne Siemon and Mary Nixon

Putting things in order is an important way of organising them. Children who can organise objects, according to colour, or size, or what they are used for, are well on the way to being able to...

Author(s): Don Anderson

It is important to explore the relation between research and policy and this can be done by reviewing some of the findings of research which have focussed on transition from school. Although the...