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Research publications from our research teams.

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Author(s): Bourke, R., MacDonald, J., Lucas, M., Williams, J., & Sheerin, M.
Publication type: Book chapter

A book chapter written for Student Perspectives on School. Informing Inclusive Practice.

18 December 2017
Author(s): Linda Bonne and Eliza Stevens
Publication type: Research report

This report looks at parent and whānau views of, and involvement with, their children’s schooling as part of a comprehensive national picture of what was happening in primary and intermediate schools in 2016.

The parent and whānau survey comprised mostly closed-response questions, but also asked for comments about three aspects: learning with digital technology, National Standards, and their child’s schooling in general.

15 December 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

Ākonga Māori (Māori students) should be able to have good educational experiences that recognise and support their identity, reo Māori, and culture in any school they attend, as well as their learning.

The 2016 national survey shows increased awareness and attention to incorporating tikanga Māori and te reo Māori into English-medium schools to better support the identity, wellbeing, and achievement of ākonga Māori. 

15 December 2017
Author(s): Rose Hipkins
Publication type: Research report

The big picture vision of The New Zealand Curriculum says it is important to foster students' dispositions to learn and contribute as active members of society. The key competencies directly support this vision.  This paper looks at what happens when teachers design rich tasks to draw on all aspects of the key competencies.

13 December 2017
Author(s): Debbie Broughton, Jessica Hutchings, and Nicola Bright
Publication type: Research report

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura—Understanding how tertiary education organisations are supporting the transitions of reo Māori learners and speakers completes the series of research reports looking at the transitions between education organisations, from pre-school to tertiary.

6 November 2017
Author(s): Linda Bonne and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

This report looks at the work of teachers in primary and intermediate schools.

The report draws on data from the NZCER National Survey of Primary and Intermediate Schools 2016 that was conducted from August to September 2016.

The survey asked teachers about what they are doing in classes; their school culture and support for their work; their achievements; their issues; and their workload and morale.

The 2016 survey continued our focus on how teachers were using aspects of The New Zealand Curriculum that was introduced in 2007.

31 October 2017
Author(s): Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

This report looks at principals’ perceptions of how well primary and intermediate schools are resourced and supported, and their relationships with other schools.

The report draws on data from the NZCER National Survey of Primary and Intermediate Schools 2016 that was conducted from August to September 2016.

31 October 2017
Author(s): Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

This report looks at the work of principals in primary and intermediate schools.

The report draws on data from the NZCER National Survey of Primary and Intermediate Schools 2016 that was conducted from August to September 2016.

The survey asked principals about their workload and morale, their leadership development; their professional learning, their achievements; their challenges; and their career path.

The NZCER survey got responses from a nationally representative sample of 349 English-medium state and state-integrated primary and intermediate schools. 

31 October 2017
Author(s): Rachel Bolstad
Publication type: Research report

Can the study of history help to prepare young people to navigate life in an increasingly complex, globalised, and hyperconnected world? What value can games add to secondary school history education when teachers have these goals in mind? What do teachers need to know about games—and about the nature of history as a discipline—to make effective use of games in their classroom programmes?

22 August 2017
