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Author(s): Sally Boyd, Linda Bonne, and Melanie Berg
Publication type: Research report

This report looks at how student wellbeing and positive behaviour are being fostered in primary and intermediate schools.

The report draws on data from the NZCER National Survey of Primary and Intermediate Schools, which was conducted in late August and early September 2016. The survey asked about schools’ proactive approaches aimed at fostering wellbeing and positive behaviour, as well as how schools intervene when students need more support.

The survey sought the views of principals, teachers, trustees, parents and whānau.


14 August 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia and Basil Keane with Hinerangi Edwards and Kiwa Hammond and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Kiwa Hammond, Hinerangi Edwards me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie

Tuatahi, mā ngā tāngata o Te Wairoa tēnei pūrongo, ā, e whakaata ana i ngā kōrero i tukuna mai e ngā whānau me ngā pou reo (ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaihāpai i te reo Māori i te hapori) mō te ora o te reo Māori i roto i te hapori me tōna hiranga ki ngā whānau o Te Wairoa.

7 August 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia and Basil Keane with Jennifer Martin and Stephanie Fong and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Jennifer Martin, Stephanie Fong me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie

Tuatahi, mā ngā tāngata o Te Uru o Tāmaki tēnei pūrongo, ā, e whakaata ana i ngā kōrero i homai e ngā whānau me ngā pou reo (ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaihāpai i te reo Māori i te hapori) mō te ora o te reo Māori iI roto i te hapori me tōna hiranga ki ngā whānau o Te Uru o Tāmaki.

7 August 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia and Basil Keane with Jenny Lee-Morgan and Eruera Morgan and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Jenny Lee-Morgan, Eruera Morgan me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie

Nā ngā whānau, nā ngā pou reo, nā ngā kaiārahi o te hāpori, nā ngā kaiakiaki i te reo tēnei pūrongo mō te hunga whai pānga ki Matawaia. I kōrerohia, i tirohia te ora (te mate rānei) o te reo i ngā papa kāinga. Kia kitea hoki te wāriu (uara) o te reo ki ngā whānau nō Matawaia.

7 August 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia and Basil Keane with Jenny Lee-Morgan and Eruera Morgan and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Jenny Lee-Morgan, Eruera Morgan me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie

Tuatahi, mā te hapori o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te Tonga tēnei pūrongo, ā, e whakaata ana i ngā kōrero i tukuna mai e ngā whānau me ngā pou reo (ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaikōkiri i te reo Māori i te hapori) mō te ora o te reo Māori i roto i te hapori me tōna hiranga ki ngā whānau o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te Tonga.

7 August 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia and Basil Keane with Jenny Lee-Morgan and Eruera Morgan and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Jenny Lee-Morgan, Eruera Morgan me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie

Nā ngā whānau, nā ngā pou reo, nā ngā kaiārahi o te hāpori, nā ngā kaiakiaki i te reo tēnei pūrongo mō te hunga whai pānga ki Kaitaia. I kōrerohia, i tirohia te ora (te mate rānei) o te reo i ngā papa kāinga. Kia kitea hoki te wāriu (uara) o te reo ki ngā whānau nō Kaitaia.

7 August 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia and Basil Keane with Vini Olsen-Reeder and Waitiahoaho Emery and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie.
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Vini Olsen-Reeder me Waitiahoaho Emery me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie.

Tuatahi, mā ngā tāngata o Tauranga Moana tēnei pūrongo, ā, e whakaata ana i ngā kōrero i tukuna mai e ngā whānau me ngā pou reo (ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaihāpai i te reo Māori i te hapori) mō te ora o te reo Māori i roto i te hapori me tōna hiranga ki ngā whānau o Tauranga Moana.

I Tauranga Moana, he mea ārahi te rangahau e Vini Olsen-Reeder rātou ko Waitiahoaho Emery.

27 July 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, and Basil Keane with Hinerangi Edwards and Kiwa Hammond and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Hinerangi Edwards, Kiwa Hammond me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie

Tuatahi, mā ngā tāngata o Taranaki tēnei pūrongo, ā, e whakaata ana i ngā kōrero i tukuna mai e ngā whānau me ngā pou reo (ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaihāpai i te reo Māori i te hapori) mō te ora o te reo Māori i roto i te hapori me tōna hiranga ki ngā whānau o Taranaki.

I Taranaki, i ārahina te rangahau e Hinerangi Edwards rāua ko Kiwa Hammond.

19 July 2017
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, and Basil Keane with Lynne Harata Te Aika, and with Rachel Felgate and Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

He mea tuhi nā Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, Basil Keane me Lynne Harata Te Aika me Rachel Felgate, Cathy Wylie.

Tuatahi, mā ngā tāngata o Ōtautahi tēnei pūrongo, ā, e whakaata ana i ngā kōrero i tukuna mai e ngā whānau me ngā pou reo (ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaihāpai i te reo Māori i te hapori) mō te ora o te reo Māori I roto i te hapori me tōna hiranga ki ngā whānau o Ōtautahi.

I Ōtautahi, i ārahina te rangahau e Lynne Harata Te Aika.

18 July 2017
