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In the course of standard statistical analyses in the third and final phase of the Learning Curves project, questions were raised about the nature of students’ subject choices. We thought that if well-described patterns of subject choice could be found using our data, then we might also question the relationship of these patterns to available student demographics. 

A clustering technique was devised to isolate patterns of subject choice for each ...

Publication year

A report  from research done in late 2002 to late 2003, in which the participants in the longitudinal research study were now aged 14.  Reports on the continuing effects of pre-school education.  Comments on how early childhood education (ECE) impacts on competencies at aged 14 years.  Examines whether aspects of ECE can make separate contributions to competence at mathematics and reading.

Publication year

This is a summary of the second technical report from the Competent Learners @16 project. It examines the associations between early childhood education experience and young people's competency levels. It finds some aspects of early childhood education still have a statistically visible contribution, 11 years on.

Read more, and download the full Competent learners at 16 Technical report 2
Read more about the Competent children, competent learners project

Publication year

This research reports on the assessment practices of teachers in New Zealand classrooms including:

  • the assessment tools and strategies that are being used
  • why particular assessments are used
  • which assessments teachers find most useful.

While teachers use a variety of assessment tools and strategies as a basis for:

  • informing future teaching
  • monitoring students' progress
  • reporting to parents.

they show a clear preference for teacher- or school-developed strategies for assisting the ...

Publication year

The aim of the Secondary-Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) programme is to enable schools to facilitate smooth transition and access from schooling to assist student transition to further education or employment.

This evaluation of STAR was undertaken to provide sound information on the operation of STAR in schools and gather the views of key stakeholders (students, teachers, tertiary providers, and industry/employers) on how successfully STAR achieves its aims.

It also identified ...

Publication year

A number of New Zealand research studies and evaluations have found evidence that careers guidance delivery remains haphazard in some schools. There is also evidence that some schools are working innovatively in relation to the Ministry of Education's requirements.

This report came out of the Careers education systems in New Zealand schools survey done for the Ministry of Education, We surveyed secondary school principals and careers staff for insights into how ...

Publication year

Outlines the information gained from 5 case studies in New Zealand primary schools on how the use of computers was integrated into the school environment and the curriculum.

Provides ideas and information on ways to organise and use computer equipment in schools.

Publication year

The Ministry of Education (Ministry), in association with the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) and the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) was interested in an additional perspective to the ACER survey to get an insight into what was happening in the middle management area of primary schools. The study was commissioned by NZEI and the Ministry of Education and funded by the Ministry.

Some teachers currently perceive their opportunities for ...

Publication year

A report from research done in late 2002 to late 2003, in which the participants in the longitudinal research study were now aged 14. Examines the impact of transition to secondary school. Studies the aspects of school change; school choice; friendships and settling in. Considers the influences of the opinions and experiences of student and and their families. Comments on the nature of progression in learning and the challenge of ...

Publication year

This report details the findings from a 2-phase study investigating students' decision-making concerning tertiary study and other post-school destinations.

In phase 1 students from 5 schools, who intended to leave school at the end of 1999, completed a questionnaire concerning their work and study plans for 2000. In late 2000 in phase 2, follow-up interviews were undertaken with 321 students to ascertain their actual destinations; their satisfaction, with hindsight, with ...