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Assessment Matters Online First


Author(s): Maurice M. W. Cheng

Much of the focus of international comparative studies of students’ achievement has been on New Zealand students’ falling standards. Using the most recent findings from the Trends in International...

Author(s): Siv M. Gamlem, Kari Smith, and Lise V. Sandvik

Most central examinations in upper secondary school were cancelled by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (NDET) in 2020–22 due to COVID-19. Teacher assessment became the sole...

Author(s): Kinley Seden, David A. Thomas, and Sonam Rinchen

Self-assessment is a beneficial practice in students’ development of evaluative judgement. In order to enhance students’ evaluative skills, a self-assessment treatment was introduced in the...

Author(s): Penny Smith and Tracey Carlyon

Learning and assessment that drives learner success should be a key tenet of all initial teacher education programmes. Initial teacher education providers in Aotearoa New Zealand must use an...