Refreshing our work with infants and toddlers: Mantras from theory and research into practice


Teachers’ pedagogical knowledge is often evident in mantra-like phrases that act as shortcut explanations for professional actions, or as principles of practice. Five key mantras for good practice in infant and toddler settings, accumulated from theory and research, are discussed to unpack pedagogical imperatives in Te Whāriki 2017 and articulate elements of their theoretical and evidence base. The mantras are: (i) sensitive responsive caregiving; (ii) watch, listen, act and adapt; (iii) invite, suggest, engage (or use your ISE); (iv) the task is not caregiving, the task is the child; and (v) create a yes environment.

Dalli, C. (2018). Refreshing our work with infants and toddlers: Mantras from theory and research into practice. Early Childhood Folio, 22(1), 15.
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