Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 8: 2023

Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 8: 2023

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Keynote Address
ANZEA Conference, 10–12 October 2022

Keynote Address
ANZEA Conference, 10–12 October 2022

A kaupapa Māori multimethod, qualitative evaluation of the Huringa Pai Māori health initiative was conducted from May 2019 to May 2020. The evaluation aimed both to clarify the positive enabling and sustaining aspects of whānau wellbeing efforts, and to identify the effective characteristics of the operation of Huringa Pai. A retrospective intervention logic was developed through a consultative process, and data were collected with the specific purpose of clarifying the inputs, activities,… Read more

This article was inspired by learning about Indigenous evaluation last year. What I learnt also resonated with history, in particular linking Indigenous evaluation with liberation struggles on the African continent in the 20th century. I am not an Indigenous evaluator, so my target audience is people like me. That said, I hope some of what I say resonates with those who are Indigenous evaluators. The article seeks to explain why and how Indigenous evaluation is more than a method or an… Read more

This article is based on a presentation I delivered at the ANZEA Conference 2022: Ka mua, Ka muri: Looking back to move forward. Here, I outline three challenges that stand out for me about what it means to be a Pākehā evaluator in Aotearoa New Zealand. Not one is rocket science nor even particularly new; all, though, are critical to how I aim to “do” evaluation and live in the world more generally.

How are Pākehā and Tauiwi evaluators reflecting on their identity, values and professional journeys so far? What are the most important lessons they have learned along the way? What are their hopes for social equity- and Tiriti-based practice and outcomes in future?