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Building the moral imperative to do better by Māori students: A Pākehā teacher’s reflection

Melissa Corlett

The goal of the Poutama Pounamu blended learning course is to promote contexts for change where equity, excellence, and belonging for Māori and all learners can be realised. In this article I share some key learnings from my own journey through this course. I reflect on my path towards honouring the Treaty of Waitangi, including the challenges I have experienced in confronting Pākehā privilege and deficit theorising. I share my developing understanding of what it means for Māori to achieve success as Māori, as well as the meaning of ako and unfinishedness. Growing my own critical praxis has been uncomfortable, but the journey I share in this article is ultimately about hope. I believe that we can collaboratively build education to do better by Māori students, to benefit all learners and the nation.

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