Teaching in superdiverse multicultural classrooms: Ideas from New Zealand secondary school teachers


Teaching in superdiverse multicultural classrooms: Ideas from New Zealand secondary school teachers
Increased migration in recent years means that New Zealand classrooms are growing in cultural diversity—and in some communities, the extent and complexity of this has reached levels of “superdiversity”. This article reports on how teachers (n = 23) in four superdiverse secondary schools in New Zealand were responding to the growing cultural diversity in their classrooms. Four key approaches that were used by teachers in all schools to develop supportive relationships and foster greater inclusion are outlined. In addition, several teaching strategies are provided to help support teachers to face the growing complexity of mixed, hybrid, and evolving identities of multi-ethnic students in their classrooms.

Wood, B. E., McRae, S., & Raukura, M. (2021). Teaching in superdiverse multicultural classrooms: Ideas from New Zealand secondary school teachers. Set: Research Information for Teachers, 3, 21–28. https://doi.org/10.18296/set.0208
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