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Author(s): Margery Renwick

Many young children watch television too long, indiscriminately, and too late into the evening. Their viewing may have an adverse effect on play and on creative and outdoor activities. At the...

Author(s): David Bancroft

A concern for language learning, and the place of languages in the overall educational experience have not been the issues of great moment in New Zealand that they have been overseas, except...

Author(s): Des Walsh

Behaviour modification is something that many teachers and parents regard with great suspicion. The cause for this distrust is not hard to find. The jargon of the process has a mind-bending ring...

Author(s): E.G.S. Evans

Why are there so many behaviour problems in children these days? Do they reflect falling values and standards in society and a breakdown in authority and discipline at home and in school? Are...

Author(s): Colin Cowie

In simple terms diagnostic testing consists of asking the learner to attempt certain tasks, so that the teacher can gain insights into his difficulties by observing his performance on them....

Author(s): John Watson

Problems of distance and communication are part of the heritage of the Pacific islands, spread as they are east and west over 5,000 kilometres, and with more than 1000 languages used among their...

Author(s): Megan Clark

During the past fifteen to twenty years mathematicians and mathematics teachers have placed heavy emphasis on discovery modes of learning and on mathematical recreations, partly because such...

Author(s): David Keen

What do New Zealand secondary school students think of History?
Starting from an analysis of the entry statistics for School Certificate, University Entrance and Scholarship examinations...

Author(s): National Children's Bureau Information Service

Research shows sex differences in the development of children and adolescents. This review examines how these influence behaviour and attainment.

Author(s): National Children's Bureau Information Service

The financial cost to a family with a handicapped child, whether living at home or away, is often very considerable. The Living with Handicap report of 1970 found the need for financial help "...

Author(s): National Children's Bureau Information Service

Research shows that children from large families, especially later born children, can be disadvantaged in a number of ways.

Author(s): Peter Wilby

Despite pessimistic American findings, a new Bristol University study suggests that, in certain circumstances, individual schools can make a significant contribution to their pupils'...

Author(s): NZCER

Whereas it is expedient to make further and better provision for the education of the people in the Colony of New Zealand:
Be It Therefore Enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand...

Author(s): Neil Reid

NZCER's familiar Progressive Achievement Test series will shortly be extended as the Council launches its fifth set -the PAT: Study Skills Tests.
Since the first PAT tests were released...