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Author(s): Noel Wilson

Just kids, aged nine to twelve, so you wouldn't expect any great insights from them about the world, would you? I asked them how they thought houses would be different when they grew up. Most...

Author(s): Phillip Hughes

It is profoundly disturbing to learn that 70% of Australian 15-year-olds' expect the future to be ended by nuclear war. The research which revealed this was not elaborate. It was called 'Images of...

Author(s): Peter Newsam

The story I have to tell is not a particularly cheerful one. Discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin - racial discrimination - is widespread. The evidence for it is well established by research...

Author(s): Rex Johnstone

Helping children become less prejudiced. That is one of our airns as teachers. In Social Studies prejudice often shows up as, 'My
culture, my ways, are right and other cultures, other ways...

Author(s): Richard Woolfson

The sweeping and controversia1 1978 American Education Act is now challenging many assumptions about the integration of handicapped with nonhandicapped children. The Act stated that al1...

Author(s): Peter K. Smith and Mike Boulton

Children often enjoy play fighting and wrestling together. From the preschool years onwards, this kind of play - often called rough-and-tumble play - is a common feature of school playgrounds or...

Author(s): Patricia Berwick-Emms

Teachers are the keepers of attendance registers. They have a legal obligation to do so. But where there are absences, what can be said? What can be inferred? What can be done? Most research into...

Author(s): Robert Wilkins

This discipline strategy is designed for schools rather than single classes. A proper implementation process involving in-service training for all staff is recommended. The strategy requires...

Author(s): Tony Knight

Schools do not create jobs. They do create school leavers. However, there is no reason why they should create school-leavers who do not have the practical know how to participate competently in...